Make a difference
Sponsor a child
What would Jesus do?
We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. James speaks of true religion, religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
I once had a dream and in that dream, God told me that there are two things that I should never stop doing. The first was evangelism and the second was to feed children.
With the number of children in this world, this is not a one person job but the job of His laid down lovers. Would you be a laid down lover today?
Sponsor a child
Any monthly donation would go straight to the children’s, education as well as welfare needs such as; meals, clothes and day to day living.
Sponsor a school
Any amount of your choice
Let’s dig a little deeper! This service is designed to help schools with equipment such as books, pens, pencils, rulers as well as furniture e.g. even desks, chairs wall paint or paper.
Together, we can nurture your vision into reality!
You are an important piece to this puzzle. We cannot continue to do this without you.