About us:

Ever since I was a young girl, I remember sitting on my fathers lap watching wrestling when all of a sudden, an advert would come on that showed young children hungry and desperate to be fed. As a four year old seeing your peers starved, I said to myself, “what can I do that will give me enough money to help these children…’. Little did I know that the Lord was planting in me the seed that will germinate into a marvellous destiny. This is where it all began.

I started to search for opportunities to feed, help and nurture people who had been marginalized, hurt or broken. God had placed His heart for people into my miniature little chest. As I grew in age & knowledge my desire became more and more child focused. I realized that being a teacher was the most influential avenue to where one could have the greatest impact on a childs life. So I pursued my career path.

In the year 2016, after becoming a BA Hons graduate in early childhood studies, I had the opportunity to work abroad for 5 months as a children's nanny. Whilst studying, I also became a youth leader in church, discipling young girls and boys and helping them to develop their own relationships with the Lord. I then continued on to get my Post graduate Certifiate in Education. Later, leading me to become a classroom teacher for 5 years.

I used every opportunity to teach the children about the love of Jesus and cultivate prayer in the classroom. Many children were marked as they would come to me each day to tell me about the encounters they were having with Jesus, at home and in school.

Somehow along the journey I forgot my ‘WHY’. I soon became engrossed in teaching academics and seeing success in SAT results. Leading the youth ministry also became increasingly difficult however, Lord continued to show me dreams and visions of feeding people.

During this time, the Lord began to call me out into the harvest fields. To travel the nations teaching children, not a curriculum made by man, but the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His kingdom. After over 10 years of youth ministry and 5 years as a qualified teacher, it was time for me to step into the next phase of my destiny.

It was in October 2023, that I laid my teaching career down and everything else to follow the call of God into the next season. It was a leap of faith. I was presented with an ultimatum to keep my job as a teacher or to give God my YES, and step into a Kairos moment that would shift my life and destiny forever.

It was in January 2024, whilst doing youth crusades in Kenya that the Lord reminded me of my heart's desire as a 4 year old girl. I am going to feed those children around the world, not just with food for their bellies but food for their souls.

Healing hands was birthed long before I was a teacher or youth leader. It was birthed in the heart of a 4 year old girl who purposed in her heart to feed those in lack.

The vision is to share the Gospel, the word of God with children and adults, whilst also providing for their holistic needs by; creating a charity where everyone, anywhere can join hands to bring healing to those who are hurt, lost, hungry or broken. Healing hands is brining the hands of Jesus to the nations.

Let's Begin Our Journey Together!